The Care & Cost-Saving Benefits of a Vital Sign Monitoring System
As the leader of a company that has pioneered scalable patient monitoring solutions, I find my conversations with our partners can frequently center around features and our future technology roadmap – but what truly excites me are the tangible benefits our customers experience when they adopt a comprehensive vital sign monitoring system like Vios. Our Vios Monitoring Solution (VMS) stands out for its ability to easily and accurately monitor a comprehensive panel of vital signs in any environment. When paired with our 24/7 Remote Monitoring Service (RMS), it empowers facilities to fundamentally change how they provide patient care and improve clinical outcomes, including:
- Early identification of potential health events.
- Prevention of hospital-associated incidents like pressure ulcers.
- Diagnosis of previously undetected conditions.
- Improved responsiveness in medication titration.
- Monitoring adherence with therapies like oxygen prescriptions or CPAP use.
While improving clinical outcomes is paramount, post-acute facilities can also realize significant financial and workflow benefits from a vital sign monitoring system.
Let’s outline the ways in which we have seen our services positively impact client operations:
Reducing Return to Acute Care Visits (RTAC)
Return visits to acute care facilities (RTACs) are critical performance metrics for skilled nursing facilities (SNFs). A single RTAC visit can be costly, as the resident’s stay is cut short, resulting in a loss of reimbursement. Furthermore, Medicare and Medicaid utilize RTAC rates for reimbursement calculations, affecting all rates tied to that facility.
Facilities using our vital monitoring device solutions have reported reductions in RTAC rates of 40% or more. This translates into significant financial savings—often covering the cost of the entire vital sign monitoring system—and enhances peace of mind for patients and their families through fewer ambulance trips and more stable care routines.
Increasing Average Length of Stay
By minimizing RTAC visits, SNFs can treat patients throughout their entire care duration—a crucial factor for maximizing financial reimbursements. The Vios monitoring solution allows SNFs to manage higher-acuity patients effectively, gaining trust from discharge planners who prefer facilities capable of caring for complex cases. Facilities utilizing our vital monitoring device solution report an increase in the average length of stay by over 10% for medically complex residents compared to less intricate cases.
Boosting Average Reimbursement Rates
As SNFs adopt a comprehensive vital sign monitoring system, they often see an increase in resident acuity levels due to growing confidence from discharge planners. Medically complex residents yield higher reimbursement rates owing to their extensive care requirements.
Moreover, as undiagnosed issues like sleep apnea or arrhythmias are identified during monitoring, overall reimbursement levels may increase by 7-10% due to a larger population requiring advanced medical attention while ensuring appropriate care levels are met.
Enhancing Referral Rates
When discharge planners recognize your facility’s robust monitoring program, they naturally gravitate toward referring more medically complex patients your way. After demonstrating reliability in patient care during a “proving period,” it becomes second nature for them to send heart failure or respiratory patients without fear of unnecessary returns. Families appreciate knowing someone is constantly overseeing their loved ones’ health—a sentiment they express through positive feedback among their networks and higher satisfaction scores on patient surveys.
Conclusion: Investing in a Vital Sign Monitoring System Saves
The journey we’ve embarked upon since founding this company over 11 years ago has been immensely rewarding—not just because we deliver advanced technology but because we witness firsthand how it transforms outcomes within healthcare organizations. By integrating the Vios solution into daily operations, post-acute facilities can enhance clinical outcomes and realize substantial financial benefits while fostering a culture centered around quality patient experiences.
Optimize patient care with Vios Medical’s advanced vital sign monitoring system. Explore our solutions to ensure uninterrupted, real-time monitoring for better patient outcomes!